Charles Chen


My Utopia of Teaching Philosophy / Educational Philosophy for Being a Visionary Ethical Educator-Scholar Mentor and Leader for Preparing Future Generations

My Metaphor for Education, Teaching & Learning:

My Teaching Philosophy Statement (TPS):

Graph: The three sets of values for creating an ethical educating mechanism and environment in my utopia world

Graph: The three sets of values for creating an ethical educating mechanism and environment in my utopia world Graph: The scale and scope of relationships and value holdings among providers and receivers of context and content

See one of my course syllabus:

EducatingTeaching together with Learning

To fulfill the spiritual values regarding ethical education for our future generations, my efforts and tasks for this utopia world are to be energetically a visionary ethical educator-scholar mentor and leader. To advance from the levels of philosophy and missions to the stages of the possible implementations and strategies, the necessary values and beliefs embedded with feasible instruments and technologies will require to be constructed. Therefore, I will first explore the three sets of core values for creating an ethical educating mechanism and environment in this utopia world. Secondly, an overlook from the scale and scope of relationships and value holdings among providers and receivers of context and content may lead us to distinguish the roles from a teacher, an educator, an ethical educator to the utopia ethical mentor. Finally, we may faithfully position our standing ground in each own individual way to accomplish the preferred ethical education world, whether for being a silent practicer or an active advocator.

My Diversity Statement (DVS)

Human civilizations have been building up by the interactions of both heritages and deviations as different circumstances passing by. The movements of heritage shiftings could emerge relatively in the ways of static patterns while momentums of deviations could reveal in the forms of innovations, revolutions, destructions, etc.  For the future generations of better ourselves, an open-minded, adaptable, difference-acknowledged mindset physically and mentally of our future generations may better be capable of shaping our future into a well-acknowledged world when facing different challenges and uncertainties. That is saying, for our future generations who are willing to embrace uncertain futures, those who prefer to endure legacies, and all those in between, this visionary may enhance and empower themselves to coexist in constructive ways among not only people to people also humans to the environments. Expectantly, a world our future generations will hold not only an advanced life in many ways but also an enriched harmonic one. In short, a world of fueling with desired future generations and their true deep individual needs and wants will undoubtedly grant our living world longer-term sustainable growth and overall delightful harmony.

To showing the harmonic ways for our future generations by embracing an open-minded, adaptable, difference-acknowledged mindset, creating the educational environments of fulfilling the spirit of the Visionary Ethical Educator-Scholar Mentor and Leader will make a significant contribution to this utopia mission. In addition, diversification is not only the fact but also the key to achieving this utopia in a positive evolution of our world. Furthermore, the difference-acknowledged mindset plays an essential role in adapting and appreciates diversification. This mindset is the core for tendering the diversification in a contributive and harmonic way to bring the world closer or even unity. On the other hand, even diversification may raise challenges and dilemmas. Diversification can also spotlight the many possibilities. The ideal world necessitates not only heritages but deviations. Therefore, both of these Key Successful Factors (KSF), acknowledgment of differences and realization of the necessitation of heritages and deviations, are necessary conditions and as well as sufficient requirements for the utopia world. Hence, establishing systematically the educational environment of fulfilling the spirit of the Visionary Ethical Educator-Scholar Mentor and Leader is the necessary bridge to bring us there. Consequently, the Visionary Ethical Educator-Scholar Mentor and Leader will serve this spiritual purpose, whether a silent practicer or an active advocator. In addition, regarding the Effective Strategy and Mechanism of Implementation, there will be blooming all the possible feasible strategies, plans, etc., and be elaborated irreversibly once the Mission, the Key Successful Factor (KSF) be adapted systematically. A brief summation, the preferable and practical implementations and instruments will thence depend on not only the diversification of people but also on subjects, environments, etc.

Graph: The scale and scope of relationships and value holdings among providers and receivers of context and content

Graph: The scale and scope of relationships and value holdings among providers and receivers of context and content

Click me for the syllabus >>

Graph: The scale and scope of relationships and value holdings among providers and receivers of context and content